I came in from Douala, precisely Bonabéri on Friday, the second day of the Accelerate program. I was a bit late but I trusted God my journey would not be in vain. What brought me here is my baby. It was medically proven that my baby has 2 holes in her heart and this caused a lot of problems. Oxygenated blood couldn’t get through to her hands and this made them very white and looked strange. Her head also was imbalanced, which caused her face to be tilted. You could actually feel a depression in her head.
But when we went back home on Friday after the man of God prayed for her, it was different. That night, I noticed her hands had changed. Blood could now flow through to her hands. Today, I also noticed her head is now normal, the depression is gone and the head is now flat. Standing here now, I’ve just noticed something about her. She is so quiet and at peace which wasn’t the case before. She usually got so frightened and cried uncontrollably when there was noise around (which is why she kept crying non-stop the first day we came here). But as we all can see, she’s so quiet and calm, although the noise of today is louder.
I just want to thank God for this mind-blowing miracle and for directing me here.